How you can be part of this campaign?
Click this link to go to Rexona Myanmar Viber Chat Bot.
Follow the instructions of the chat bot and send us back the photos or videos of doing workouts.
By sending us back your photos and videos, your contribution per day will be counted as 300MMK and the maximum donation towards our Rexona Hero is 1,000,000MMK.

Let’s get to more about Ko Arr Puu Tuu. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to more about Ko Arr Puu Tuu. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Ko Htoo Kyaw Thet. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Daw Htay Win. Let’s hear about how she is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Ko Zar Ni. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Daw Nant Ei Mon Lin. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Ko Ye Min Ko. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Ma Ngwe Htay. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!

Let’s get to know more about Ko Nway Oo. Let’s hear about how he is struggling and what is his plan for this fund!